Privacy & Policy

Who we are Our website address is: Personal data, or personal information as it is sometimes called, is data that relates to or is capable of identifying a living person. Our members privacy is very important to us and we do all we can to protect it. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is […]

Room finder kathmandu

Room finder in kathmandu We have spread our service of providing rooms/flats in rent all over Nepal. We search rooms/flats for you and your family in different cities in Nepal. Nproom to keep you safe and find your perfect room we are help you Room for rent If you have to go to door to […]

Term and Condition

  NPROOM.COM – REGISTERED USER TERMS AND CONDITIONS   Any person or entity (“user”), registered to use or access the site at“site”) or any information contained within the site, agrees to and is bound by the Nproom following terms and conditionsof this regsitered new user agreement. [ NOTE:- We are  only mediator with a […]

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